Informatii pentru pacienti despre implanturi cu incarcare imediata
Implanturile cu incarcare imediata nu sunt o descoperire recenta, ele dateaza din anii ’70 – dr Julliet, Scortteci-Franta, urmati in dezvoltarea acestor implanturi pana astazi de dr Mutter, Kopp si prof dr Ihde. De atunci si pana astazi au aparut noi tehnici de inserare a implanturilor: fara incizie, postextractional, bypass de nerv mandibular. Toate aceste noi tipuri de implantare au fost posibile datorita unui colectiv international de medici in frunte cu prof dr Ihde Stefan, care au dezvoltat si modificat tehnici de inserare a implantelor si de imbunatatire a acestora. Avantajul major al acestor tehnici de inserare al acestor implanturi este dat de posibilitatea incarcarii imediate, inclusiv la pacienti cu boli sistemice gen diabet zaharat.
Implanturile cu incarcare imediata se impart in 3 mari categorii:
– implanturi cu incarcare imediata de compresie tip KOS, KOS+, KOS micro, KOS TX, la pacienti cu oferta osoasa buna si fara boli sistemice
– implanturi cu incarcare imediata bicorticale tip BOI, ce pot fi utilizate in toate tipurile de oferte osoase si la pacienti cu anumite boli sistemice
– implanturi cu incarcare imediata tip BCS multicorticale, ce pot fi utilizate si fara incizie in toate tipurile de oferte osoase si la pacienti cu anumite boli sistemice.
Lucrarile protetice ce trebuie executate intr-un timp scurt 3-4 zile sunt in cea mai mare parte lucrari metaloacrilice cu dinti prefabricati din compozit. Acestea pot ramane ca si lucrari definitive sau pot fi schimbate dupa 9-12 luni cu lucrari metaloceramice sau zirconiu. Aceasta se datoreaza faptului ca zona postextractionala are o vindecare estetica imprevizibila, care este mascata in primele luni prin aceste lucrari metaloacrilice. Atat in implanturile cu incarcare imediata, cat si in cele multifazice, vindecarea tesuturilor moi si a celor dure este la fel, diferenta este data de posibilitatea de rezolvare a cazului imediat, fara perioade lungi de asteptare postextractionala, aditii, sinus lift, de luni sau ani de zile pana la finalizare, precum si posibilitatea rezolvarii cazurilor dificile cu atrofie de maxilar si mandibula.
Tipuri de implanturi cu incarcare imediata
KOS® B implants with flexible neck (use after pre-drilling and preparation with a KDS bone-expanding screw) Suitable for reduced-load areas (not for single restorations) The flexible implant offers double safety:
1. Torque reduction by pre-compression using the applicable KDS bone-expanding screw
2. Safety head with pre-determined fracture site and dual square (patent pending)
KOS D implants feature an 4°external-cone. Abutments are simply tapped on or cemented. The abutments may be positioned on the external cone in different distances from the bone line: 1.5mm, 3 mm, or 4 mm (patent pending).
For the „KOS D“-implant system no implant analogues nor impression caps are needed: the impression is taken directly on the abutment. The abutment is shaped like a tooth in the prosthetically desired way. „KOS D“-abutments are compatible with „Hexacone D“ and „Xigñ D“ – implants.
One-piece implants with longitudinal oval threaded pin (1.95 mm × 2.1/2.3 mm ø)
height of the implant head, 7.2 mm
width of the implant head, 3.5 mm
sandblasted head
One-piece implants with longitudinal oval threaded pin (1.95 mm × 2.1/2.3 mm ø)
height of the implant head, 7.2 mm
width of the implant head, 3.5 mm
sandblasted head
One-piece implants with longitudinal oval threaded pin (1.95 mm × 2.1/2.3 mm ø)
height of the implant head, 7.2 mm
width of the implant head, 3.5 mm
sandblasted head
One-piece implants with longitudinal oval threaded pin (1.95 mm × 2.1/2.3 mm ø)
height of the implant head, 7.2 mm
width of the implant head, 3.5 mm
sandblasted head
One-piece implants with longitudinal oval threaded pin (1.95 mm × 2.1/2.3 mm ø)
height of the implant head, 7.2 mm
width of the implant head, 3.5 mm
sandblasted head
One-piece implants with longitudinal oval threaded pin (1.95 mm × 2.1/2.3 mm ø)
height of the implant head, 7.2 mm
width of the implant head, 3.5 mm
sandblasted head
One-piece implants with longitudinal oval threaded pin (1.95 mm × 2.1/2.3 mm ø)
height of the implant head, 7.2 mm
width of the implant head, 3.5 mm
sandblasted head
One-piece implants with longitudinal oval threaded pin (1.95 mm × 2.1/2.3 mm ø)
height of the implant head, 7.2 mm
width of the implant head, 3.5 mm
sandblasted head
One-piece implants with longitudinal oval threaded pin (1.95 mm × 2.1/2.3 mm ø)
height of the implant head, 7.2 mm
width of the implant head, 3.5 mm
sandblasted head
Screw-type implant, bicortically inserted, for use with dental bridges. Assuming the indication permits, this implant can be inserted in the extraction socket immediately after extraction and loaded immediately in many cases.
Smoothly machine-surfaced in all areas. The abutment head is identical with the KOS implant head and with a TSD4 abutment. Self-tapping thread, with endosseous anti-reverse protection.
Screw-type implant, bicortically inserted, for use with dental bridges. Assuming the indication permits, this implant can be inserted in the extraction socket immediately after extraction and loaded immediately in many cases.
Smoothly machine-surfaced in all areas. The abutment head is identical with the KOS implant head and with a TSD4 abutment. Self-tapping thread, with endosseous anti-reverse protection.
Screw-type implant, bicortically inserted, for use with dental bridges. Assuming the indication permits, this implant can be inserted in the extraction socket immediately after extraction and loaded immediately in many cases.
Smoothly machine-surfaced in all areas. The abutment head is identical with the KOS implant head and with a TSD4 abutment. Self-tapping thread, with endosseous anti-reverse protection.
Tipuri de implanturi multifazice
Perfectly manufactured precision implant with double-sandblasted endosseous section.
Implant with internal octagon and 8°internal cone. For anti-rotational superstructures.
These implants with a head diameter of 6.5 mm can be used, if adequate bone is available, for posterior single crowns with the width of one premolar in dentate and partially/fully edentulous ridges as for superstructures retained by bars and ball attachments.
Perfectly manufactured precision implant with double sandblasted endosseous section.
Implant with solid conical abutment (cf. TCA7 STI abutment). Suitable for crowns, bridges and bar connectors. Direct impression on the TCA implant. The abutment can be shortened or bevelled immediately after placement.
Perfectly manufactured precision implant with double sandblasted endosseous section.
Implant with octagonal abutment (like OSA STI). Suitable for crowns, bridges and bar connectors.